Activity 6-1 Flickr Possibilities

Flickr is a great resource and a great way to use images to convey a concept. As a ELA teacher, images are extremely powerful for figurative language. Recently, I had students use images to show the meaning of idioms. The students were expected to find images to trace that explained the meaning of the idiom, not the actual words themselves.

Another way to use Flickr would be to use a picture as a prompt. The picture above could be used to help students do a free write. A free write is when students see an image and write the first thing that comes to mind, or a prompt can be used to help students along as they write. For instance, an example prompt could be,

“You’re running in a race, explain to the reader your thoughts and goals for your personal outcome. Do you want to be first, or are you just hoping to finish?”

This type of writing is the best for bell ringers or just a chance to express one’s thoughts with the help images. Flickr could be an amazing tool for this purpose.

Mv-parkrun_303_2023-04-080120. (n.d.). Flickr. photograph. Retrieved April 8, 2023, from

One response to “Activity 6-1 Flickr Possibilities”

  1. Rajah, you have some wonderful ideas of how to use Flickr images in your classroom to get your students thinking. I used a similar activity with high school psychology students many years ago. We were studying “perception,” and I had groups of 3 students get together and look at the same picture with no talking. They then had to write what they thought happened right before the picture and what they thought was happening in the picture. They then shared their writing with each other. The idea was to get them to see how different people create different perceptions of things they see. We then discussed where our perceptions come from. . . for example some come from past experiences and past learning. Others may come from what we were taught by our parents. This is what creates different perceptions and how we each may view things differently although we may be looking at the same thing.
    Thanks for your ideas!


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