Twitter as a Professional Learning Network.

activity 7-2

Twitter can be use to develop professional growth in many ways. Having access to many people in on this platform allows information or news or the availability of information to move quickly and more efficiently. The rate in which information can be spread can create notoriety overnight.


  1. People have access to an author, professor, or any voice that they feel is helpful to them as an educator.
  2. The platform is free! This automatically provides access to the entire public for use.
  3. Hashtagging people in a post allow people to refer to others or nod at them and draw their attention to their post without having to create a different post to say the same thing.
  4. Allows one to share images.
  5. Is a great way to gain exposure as a new business owner, or an old one trying to bring in new costumers.


  1. Rude people may appear in your feed. Your opinion may not appeal to everyone so hate speech may be present. Thank God for the ability to block people. Unfortunately, what you post as a teacher may be limited due to sensitive matters that may offend students and/or parents.
  2. Twitter can also give bad exposure. The ability to spread good news works in the opposite way in spreading bad news.
  3. Limited character limits the amount one can post. This may also be nice because who really wants to read a book every time they visit their twitter account?
  4. Fake accounts are frequent. The danger of speaking to imposters is real, or someone impersonating you can happen. This is a worry with students cat fishing or playing a prank on the teacher.
  5. Sensorship or the danger of being banned due to political or opposing views.

Twitter can be used to have students tweet about questions they have, or announcements for upcoming events. Homework can be a tweet about the presidential election.

In short, Twitter’s possibilities are endless in the classroom.

One response to “Twitter as a Professional Learning Network.”

  1. Yes. “Twitters’ possibilities are endless.” However, you have listed some disadvantages that should seriously be taken into account when considering the age of the students who will be involved on twitter.
    Thanks for your thoughts.


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